A new report recommends all nurseries and schools link with care homes to improve children’s educational attainment.
Published by the think tank United for All Ages, the report says that ‘urgent action’ is needed to tackle the ‘worsening crises’ facing children and young people, and that bringing younger and older people together can tackle the ‘big social ills’ facing the next generation.
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The Next Generation claims that intergenerational interaction can improve children’s life chances and solve ‘tough issues’ - including poor health, low educational attainment and lack of social mobility.
Based upon evidence from existing intergenerational projects, it finds that bringing young and older people together can boost children’s well-being, language use and acquisition, their social interaction and change attitudes towards ageing.
According to the report, children involved in intergenerational projects have better reading and communication skills, are more ‘school-ready’ and demonstrate more empathy. For example, it says that children engage in interactive learning with older people about history and ageing.
It also finds that projects can improve health, tackle poverty, promote social mobility and create opportunities for disadvantaged children.
Article Compliments of Nursery World